Cancer: Treatment

Cancer: Treatment

Therapeutic measures include surgery, radiation, chemotherapy and natural medicine. Currently studying the usefulness of immunotherapy and biological response modulation.


The most used is the excision of all malignant cells by surgical intervention. In the past, this involved the excision of all affected tissue and as many potentially affected tissue, including the surrounding tissues and lymph nodes.

Music Therapy

Music therapy is the art of appreciating the sounds in order to eradicate the psychosomatic illnesses.

According to the World Federation of Music Therapy: "Music therapy is the use of music and / or its musical elements (sound, rhythm, melody, harmony) with a patient or group, in a process designed to facilitate and promote communication, learning, movement, expression, organization, and other relevants therapeutic objectives in order to achieve change and satisfy physical, emotional, mental, social and cognitive needs".

Toxoya Products

Toxoya Products

Toxoya and Namuya are 100 percent natural medicines, scientifically created to place the anuncio genesis of malignant or cancerous cells. Several research studies conducted in the United States and Peru by Dr. J. M. Bazan and his group of naturists, concluded that the Annona tessmanni, The Annona Mauritia, The Annona cherimolia, The annonacarpus amazonicus, The Kalanche Pinnata, The Charanthia Momordica, The Chondodendron Candicans S., the Scadotenia toxifera K. and The Grandodiflora sp., using their plant cells, destroy the growth and development mechanism of malignant or cancerous tumors.

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